whY DO WE NEED a Neighbourhood plan?

Cotton End, like much of Bedford, is a property hotspot with sold prices in 2021 rising by 19% on the previous year and 46% since the 2016 peak. The demand for homes in Bedford has increased significantly and new Permitted Development Rights are putting further pressure on land used for housing, local employment, services and light industry across the Borough. Due to the Settlement Policy Area boundary around Cotton End village, meeting any demand places development pressure on in-fill and brownfield sites within the village

whAT IS a Neighbourhood plan?

The Neighbourhood Plan’s Policies are concerned with land use planning matters. However, there are some limitations to what Neighbourhood Plans can achieve, for example: They cannot promote a lesser number of homes than is set out in the Local Plan, nor can they override the National Planning Policy Framework. They cannot address enforcement issues such as speed limits, traffic management and parking regulations. They do not designate conservation areas or enforce Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and matters of Licensing. They deal essentially with spatial issues such as the where, how and what can be built

When a planning application is submitted to Bedford Borough Council (BBC), the Borough Planning Officers are required to refer to the Cotton End Plan (alongside the Borough’s own Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to check whether the proposed development is in keeping with the policies stated in the Cotton End Plan. In planning terms, the policies set out in this document are the most important part of the Cotton End Plan

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